HISstory: PRIMITIVE (a Deejay Young film)

Captured by Emmy® Award Winning cinematographer Herb Maximo, this visual album experience, more than simply a video anthology, will feature a cinematic retelling of Deejay Young’s PRIMITIVE album, which debuted atop iTunes’ R&B albums chart in the U.S. (#4: peak) HISstory will also feature elements of intimate dialogue, original spoken word, originally written by Young, & behind the scenes footage inspired by the music from the album. PRIMITIVE chronicles the importance of self-love & the appreciation of black culture, all the while breaking the normalized, day-to-day social constructs of life by promoting freedom & liberation. All of these messages are ones we could all use in this climate, as the fight for equal opportunity, inclusion, & equality reigns supreme all over our nation in protests, song, & other mediums. Young, also the executive producer & co-director of this visual experience, assures viewers that love is “the cure” for what the world is in need of, & hopes this film is a step in that direction— sharing our experiences on our journey to love, which is a freedom, liberating us towards not only a better tomorrow, but a better lifetime. The film will premiere, Black Friday, November 27th, 2020 at 8pm EST & will show through December 1st at 12AM. (Admission: $10.00 + $1.00 service fee. Upon purchasing your ticket, you will receive your own access code to enjoy the film on your desktop, laptop, or mobile device or your choice.)

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Primitive… Out Now!